1-2 september 2024

House of Thol

Easy Green Living

Standnummer G.227


[email protected]
Parksesteeg, 8
6611KH Overasselt Nederland

B2B Sales
House of Thol
[email protected]
Jana Flohr

Over ons

HOUSE OF THOL / Easy Green Living

House of Thol creërt toegankelijke, probleemoplossende producten die je leven groener en makkelijker maken.

Schik moeiteloos je boeket met bloem-besparende schikschijven Flower Constellations;
Maak je planten blij met watergeefsysteem Waterworks;
Gebruik de Helios groeischijf voor het sierlijk opkweken van zaden en stekjes;
En kweek het hele jaar door je eigen verse microgroentes met kiemsysteem Patella Crescenda.

Gedreven door nieuwsgierigheid en onderzoek, ontwerpen we low-tech tools die het makkelijker maken duurzame gewoontes in de moderne alledag te passen.
Toekomstbestendig ontwerp, duurzaam geproduceerd in de EU, gemaakt van echte materialen.
Authentically imperfect.

Eco Gifts - Dutch Design - Duurzame Cadeau's

Highlights uit de collectie

Getoonde prijzen zijn winkeladviesprijzen

Helios - Germination plate / Growth disk
Helios - Germination plate / Growth disk
The durable brass Helios disk allows you to stylishly grow cuttings, bulbs and pits into a water-rooted plant.
€ 16,50
Flower Constellations - Effortless arrangements, saving flowers (size M)
Flower Constellations - Effortless arrangements, saving flowers (size M)
Flower Constellations are durable brass disks that expand to fit the vases you already own and love and help create gorgeous arrangements that make the most of your flowers everytime.
€ 19,00
Waterworks - Natural watering system for houseplants
Waterworks - Natural watering system for houseplants
Waterworks is a natural watering system consisting of a terra-cotta cone and glass reservoir that keeps your houseplants happy, even when you are away.
€ 29,00
Patella Crescenda - Grow your own fresh super greens all year
Patella Crescenda - Grow your own fresh super greens all year
The Patella Crescenda sprouting set is an easy and fun way to grow healthy micro-greens in your own home​ all year round.
€ 69,95
Flower Constellations - Effortless arrangements, saving flowers (size: L)
Flower Constellations - Effortless arrangements, saving flowers (size: L)
The Flower Constellation L fits vases with a diameter of 9,5 to 12 cm and allows you to create gorgeous arrangements that make the most of your flowers, every time!
€ 22,50
Flower Constellations - Effortless arrangements, saving flowers (size XL)
Flower Constellations - Effortless arrangements, saving flowers (size XL)
The Flower Constellation XL helps you playfully space your flowers over the full diameter of your large vases with a diameter of up to 16 cm.
€ 29,95